Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How to remove your background

 Fakalofa lahi atu , 

Today me and some other people from this school  went to Owairaka school and some presented and some just tried out some new stuff like this thing right down here, this is how to change your background but not with color like on google slide or anything on drive that you can search the web. How you do it is you find some pictures you do something before this but I forgot any ways and then you just write on it and done and that is basically it so it is really easy oh and if you really want to do it you can ask a teacher.

What I found challenging was when you had to do the thing that I forgot and I still do not remember.

What I enjoyed was when I put the pictures on.

The reason why I put a horse, puppie and a baby cat because these are all my favourite animals.

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