Thursday, August 26, 2021

What I Have Been Doing In Lockdown

 Hi bloggers,

Today I will be talking about what I have been doing since it is Lockdown. So I have been searching up how do you keep safe during Natrual disasters, how animals survive in the desert, cold places, and the forest and the ocean. I have also been searching up facts about the olympics, facts about animals, all the names of countrys and how much countrys their is ( 195 countrys in the whole world ) , and also alot of others things, and drawing. I have been searching these things up because I do not know about these things and how to survive in Natrual disasters. Here are some pictures of Natrual Disasters: 

This is Natrual disasters that happened in I dont know where?

I really enjoyed doing this because it was fun and I did not mension this but in Lockdown  me and Lovely was playing prodigy together and learning with each other.

Something I found challenging was that we couldn't go outside of the house but only to the moutain but I did enjoy going to the mountain because we rolled down the mountain but anyway, Thank you for reading my blog and see you next time.


  1. Hey Haddasah it's me Karolina, you have been learning heaps in lockdown. It's nice to know you have been learning with your sister. Hope you are staying safe! Nice to know you are learning about how to survive a natural disaster. It might help in the future! :)

  2. Good afternoon Hadassah!

    I like how you documented your presentation with pictures! Did you made any research to find the names of each of these natural disasters? You could maybe categorize them depending on the nature of their action. Are they coming from the air, the water, the fire or the land?

    Congratulations on staying active and learning during lockdown, you will see the results of your work when you will be back to school!

    Hopefully I will come and see you all then!

    See you soon

    Miss Mathilde

  3. Kia ora Hadassah!
    woah you have been learning heeps about natural disasters. it is not really fun when a natural disaster happens. it is sad. but learning about it is fun
    until later!

  4. Good for you doing research to learn more about things you don't know....great work!!

  5. Hi Karolina, miss Mathilde, Marcus and Miss P, Thank you for commenting on my blog but the reason why I blogged about Natrual disasters because I don't really know how to survive natrual disasters.
